makeMakes four walls of given thickness, with interior rectangle of given width and
height and centered at the given location. Each wall is given infinite mass. The walls
are named WALL_BOTTOM
the RigidBodySim to which the walls are added
the horizontal distance between the walls
the vertical distance between the walls
opt_thickness: numberthe thickness of each wall; default is 1.
opt_center: Vectorlocation of the center of the rectangle formed by the walls, in world coordinates; default is origin.
suggested zero potential energy level -- the top of the bottom wall.
make2Makes four walls of given thickness, with interior rectangle equal to the given rectangle.
the RigidBodySim to which the walls are added
the interior rectangle of the walls
opt_thickness: numberthe thickness of each wall
suggested zero potential energy level -- the top of the bottom wall.
Generated using TypeDoc
Factory for making a set of four walls arranged in rectangle to form an enclosed space. See Shapes.makeWall.