Specifies graph style such as color, line thickness, line pattern.

The index number specifies when to use this GraphStyle as follows: Each point stored in a HistoryList has an index number given by HistoryIterator.getIndex. The GraphStyle is used for points whose index number is equal or greater than the GraphStyle's index.

Note: line dash is not a supported feature because the graph is drawn incrementally as thousands of short line segments and the line dash starts over for each segment. It might be possible to use the HTML CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineDashOffset property to deal with this.





  • Parameters

    • index: number

      specifies where in the HistoryList this style should be applied

    • drawMode: DrawingMode

      whether to draw dots or lines, a value from DrawingMode

    • color: string

      a CSS color specification

    • lineWidth: number

      thickness to use when drawing the graph line, in screen coordinates, so a unit is a screen pixel.

    Returns GraphStyle


color_: string

a CSS color specification

drawMode: DrawingMode

Whether to draw dots or lines

index_: number

Specifies where in the HistoryList this style should be applied.

lineWidth: number

thickness to use when drawing the graph line, in screen coordinates, so a unit is a screen pixel.


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