Specifies an immutable 2D affine transform.

The affine transform of a point (x, y) is given by:

[  m11  m21  dx  ] [ x ]   [ m11 x + m21 y + dx ]
[ m12 m22 dy ] [ y ] = [ m12 x + m22 y + dy ]
[ 0 0 1 ] [ 1 ] [ 1 ]

Rotation clockwise by theta radians:

[ cos(theta)  -sin(theta)   0 ]
[ sin(theta) cos(theta) 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]


[  sx   0    0  ]
[ 0 sy 0 ]
[ 0 0 1 ]


[  1    0   dx  ]
[ 0 1 dy ]
[ 0 0 1 ]

Below are examples of specifying an AffineTransform with DisplayShape.setImageAT. The example images were generated by altering the application DoublePendulum2App.


IDENTITY: AffineTransform = ...

The identity AffineTransform, which leaves a point unchanged when it is applied.


  • Multiplies the affine transform of the given context with this AffineTransform.


    • context: CanvasRenderingContext2D

      the canvas context to modify

    Returns void

  • Right-multiply this AffineTransform by the given AffineTransform. This has the effect that the given AffineTransform will be applied to the input vector before the current AffineTransform.

    Concatenating a transform A to transform B is equivalent to matrix multiplication of the two transforms. Note that order matters: matrices are applied in right to left order when transforming a vector

    A B vector = A * (B * vector)

    We can think of the B matrix being applied first, then the A matrix. This method returns the product with the input at matrix on the right

    this * at

    The mathematics is as follows: this matrix is on the left, the other at matrix is on the right:

    [  m11  m21  dx  ]  [  a11  a21  ax  ]
    [  m12  m22  dy  ]  [  a12  a22  ay  ]
    [   0    0    1  ]  [   0    0   1   ]

    Result is:

    [ (m11*a11 + m21*a12)  (m11*a21 + m21*a22)  (m11*ax + m21*ay + dx) ]
    [ (m12*a11 + m22*a12)  (m12*a21 + m22*a22)  (m12*ax + m22*ay + dy) ]
    [          0                    0                   1              ]


    • at: AffineTransform

      the AffineTransform matrix to right-multiply this AffineTransform matrix by

    Returns AffineTransform

    the product of this AffineTransform matrix right-multiplied by the at AffineTransform matrix

  • Draw a line to the transformed point.


    • x: number

      horizontal coordinate

    • y: number

      vertical coordinate

    • context: CanvasRenderingContext2D

      the canvas context to modify

    Returns void

  • Sets current position in context to the transformed point.


    • x: number

      horizontal coordinate

    • y: number

      vertical coordinate

    • context: CanvasRenderingContext2D

      the canvas context to modify

    Returns void

  • Concatenates a rotation transformation to this AffineTransform.

    The mathematics is as follows: this matrix is on the left, the rotation matrix is on the right, and the angle is represented by t

    [  m11  m21  dx  ]  [ cos(t)  -sin(t)   0 ]
    [  m12  m22  dy  ]  [ sin(t)   cos(t)   0 ]
    [   0    0    1  ]  [  0        0       1 ]

    Result is:

    [  (m11*cos(t) + m21*sin(t))  (-m11*sin(t) + m21*cos(t))  0  ]
    [  (m12*cos(t) + m22*sin(t))  (-m12*sin(t) + m22*cos(t))  0  ]
    [              0                          0               1  ]


    • angle: number

      angle in radians to; positive angle rotates clockwise.

    Returns AffineTransform

    a new AffineTransform equal to this AffineTransform rotated by the given angle

  • Concatenates a scaling transformation to this AffineTransform.

    The mathematics is as follows: this matrix is on the left, the scaling matrix is on the right:

    [  m11  m21  dx  ]  [  x   0   0  ]
    [  m12  m22  dy  ]  [  0   y   0  ]
    [   0    0    1  ]  [  0   0   1  ]

    Result is:

    [  m11*x  m21*y  dx  ]
    [  m12*x  m22*y  dy  ]
    [   0      0      1  ]


    • x: number

      factor to scale by in horizontal direction

    • y: number

      factor to scale by in vertical direction

    Returns AffineTransform

    a new AffineTransform equal to this AffineTransform scaled by the given x and y factors

  • Set the affine transform of the given context to match this AffineTransform.


    • context: CanvasRenderingContext2D

      the canvas context to modify

    Returns void

  • Apply this transform to the given point, returning the transformation of the given point.

    The mathematics is as follows:

    [  m11  m21  dx  ]  [ x ]
    [  m12  m22  dy  ]  [ y ]
    [   0    0    1  ]  [ 1 ]

    Result is:

    [ m11 x + m21 y + dx ]
    [ m12 x + m22 y + dy ]
    [          1         ]


    • x: number | GenericVector

      the x coordinate or Vector containing both x and y

    • Optional y: number

      the y coordinate (or undefined if a vector was passed for x)

    Returns Vector

    the transformation of the given point.


    if x is not a GenericVector, or x, y are not numbers

  • Concatenates a translation to this AffineTransform.

    The mathematics is as follows: this matrix is on the left, the scaling matrix is on the right:

    [  m11  m21  dx  ]  [  1    0   x  ]
    [  m12  m22  dy  ]  [  0    1   y  ]
    [   0    0    1  ]  [  0    0   1  ]

    Result is:

    [ m11  m21  (m11*x + m21*y + dx) ]
    [ m12  m22  (m12*x + m22*y + dy) ]
    [ 0    0            1            ]


    • x: number | GenericVector

      the x coordinate or vector

    • Optional y: number

      the y coordinate (or undefined if a vector was passed for x)

    Returns AffineTransform

    a new AffineTransform equal to this AffineTransform translated by the given amount


    if x is not a GenericVector, or x, y are not numbers

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