Static class for making a ThrusterSet with six thrusters that apply force at two points on a RigidBody. The first point is the body's drag point; the second point is at the reflection of the drag point across the geometric center of the body. Each point can fire thrust in 3 directions, so there is a total of 6 thrusters, which can direct force in several directions to move or spin the body.


The thrusters are numbered as follows:

      |            |
      0     t -----1------> thrust firing
      |            |
      |            |
      |  cm        |
      4     t2     5
      |            |

This diagram is drawn in body coordinates. The diagram shows thruster #1 firing to the right. All thrusters fire outwards from the body, from either of the two thruster points, t or t2. The side thrusters have less thrust than the forward and aft thrusters and they fire in pairs (0 and 5, or 1 and 4) to rotate the body; or in pairs (0 and 4, 1 and 5) to move the body sideways.

In the diagram, t is the primary thrust point, see MassObject.setDragPoints. There is a second thrust point at t2, the mirror image of t through the geometric center of the body.



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