Interactively run and view various engine2D tests after selecting the test to run from a set of menus. This lets us see what a test is doing; it uses the '_setup' method of the test to configure the simulation -- creating and arranging the initial state of objects. What you see should be exactly the same as what happens when running the test.

TestViewerApp examines a certain set of test classes and finds methods whose names end with '_setup' and adds the name of those tests to the menus. So it is only the 'setup' methods for the various tests that can be run here, not the actual tests.

In most cases, TestViewerApp should show the exact same results as the tests. There are a few tests that make changes outside of the _setup function for the test.

TestViewerApp has two levels of menus: a group menu for each group of tests, and another menu for individual tests. Selecting from the group menu changes what tests are available in the individual tests menu. Selecting from the individual tests menu starts that test running.

The main difference between how tests are run here in TestViewerApp versus how they are run in Engine2DTests is: in Engine2DTests we make a new ContactSim for each test, whereas in TestViewerApp we reuse the ContactSim. This is necessary because of the complex web of connections between controls, simulation, builder, etc. In future, it might be better to copy how Engine2DTests works and make a new ContactSim for each test.

WARNING: when trying to debug a test: check whether the options on the ContactSim and CollisionAdvance are different than the Engine2DTests options; such as ImpulseSim.setCollisionHandling, CollisionAdvance.setJointSmallImpacts, ContactSim.setExtraAccel, ContactSim.setExtraAccelTimeStep, the DiffEqSolver, the timeStep, etc.

Parameters Created

How TestViewerApp Works

  • Look in a set of specified classes (e.g. StraightStraightTest, CircleStraightTest, etc.)

  • Iterate over all methods in each class, looking for any methods that end with '_setup'

  • Make a list of '_setup' methods and their names

  • Make a set of menus, one menu item for each '_setup' method

  • When the menu item selected: reset the sim; run the selected '_setup' method.

Communicating the Time Step

The reason for storing the time step in AdvanceStrategy is so that TestViewer produces same results as running a test. This is a way to communicate the time step to the TestViewer. VERY IMPORTANT for reproducing results. See TestViewer.startTest_ where we set the timestep on the SimRunner.

Communicating the Sim Rect

If a test sets a specific simulation rectangle on the ContactSim then we use that. Otherwise we try to find a rectangle that encloses all the objects and then some. See TestViewerApp#setSimRect_.

Gravity and Damping Get Special Treatment

Because GravityLaw and DampingLaw get recreated for each test we search for them after building each test and connect the respective gravity and damping controls to them.

Another consequence is that we don't provide GravityLaw or DampingLaw to the EasyScriptParser, so these aren't as easily scriptable as in other apps. However, there are short names defined for them, so it is still relatively easy to add JavaScript to a URL script like this:


The gravity and damping controls are 'built-in' to the HTML, and there is special code for finding the HTML controls and connecting them. There is also a special method for inserting a control before these built-in gravity and damping controls, see TestViewerApp#prependControl.

TO DO rename to reflect this is the test viewer for engine2D tests only?

Hierarchy (view full)




groupNames_: string[] = []

Name of each group, to display in menu of group choices.

groupSelected_: number = -1

Which group is currently selected.

groups_: Object[] = []

The test classes in which test functions are found.

startOnLoad_: boolean = true

Whether tests should start when loaded.

testNames_: string[] = []

Name of each test, to display in menu of test functions.

testParam_: ParameterNumber

individual test parameter

testSelected_: number = -1

Which test is currently selected.

tests_: ((sim, adv) => void)[] = []

The 'setup' test functions. They create and arrange the set of objects that comprise the test.

Type declaration


  • Adds tests from the given class to the menu of available tests. Tests are static methods that take a parameter of type ContactSim and return undefined. The test added must end with '_setup'; the menu name is generated from the test method name by changing all underscores to blanks, and removing the '_setup' suffix.


    • c: object

      the class whose tests will be added to the menu of available tests.

    Returns void

  • Define short-cut name replacement rules. For example 'sim' is replaced by 'myApp.sim' when myName is 'myApp'.


    • myName: string

      the name of this object, valid in global Javascript context.

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • script: string
    • output: boolean = true

      whether to print the result to the output text area and add the script to session history; default is true

    Returns any

    the result of evaluating the string

  • Returns index of current group within group menu

    Returns number

    index of current group within group menu

  • Returns index of current test within test menu

    Returns number

    index of current test within test menu

  • Find an existing DampingLaw created by a test, make a NumericControl for it.

    Returns void

  • Find an existing GravityLaw created by a test, make a NumericControl for it.

    Returns void

  • Sets whether this Subject will broadcast events, typically used to temporarily disable broadcasting. Intended to be used in situations where a subclass overrides a method that broadcasts an event. This allows the subclass to prevent the superclass broadcasting that event, so that the subclass can broadcast the event when the method is completed.


    • value: boolean

      whether this Subject should broadcast events

    Returns boolean

    the previous value

  • Change to the given group menu, and run the first test of that group


    • groupIndex: number

      index of group within group menu

    Returns void

  • Finds a rectangle that surrounds all the objects and set the SimView to that size. If there are no walls, then sets to twice the size.

    Returns void

  • Change to run the given test.


    • index: number

      index of test within test menu of current group

    Returns void

  • Do initial setup of this app. Determines which test to run at start, what UI controls to show, etc.

    Returns void

  • Loads and runs the selected test.

    Note: Previously, TestViewerApp was rebuilding the entire world (controls, canvas, sim, display, etc.) and this was causing a lot of confusion. A symptom was that the test menus were being left behind when switching to a different Builder. Now TestViewerApp’s reset method is re-using the ContactSim and not rebuilding controls etc.


    • testIndex: number

    Returns void

  • Returns a minimal string representation of this object, usually giving just identity information like the class name and name of the object.

    For an object whose main purpose is to represent another Printable object, it is recommended to include the result of calling toStringShort on that other object. For example, calling toStringShort() on a DisplayShape might return something like this:


    Returns string

    a minimal string representation of this object.

  • Force classes to be bundled (by esbuild), so they can be used in Terminal scripts.

    Returns void

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