Enum that specifies which collision handling algorithm to use during ImpulseSim.handleCollisions.

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All collisions are solved in a single step, with the goal condition being that the post-collision velocity is equal to elasticity times opposite of pre-collision velocity.


Like SERIAL, this operates on one collision at a time, but for each collision it will include any other collisions on either of the two bodies involved (for finite mass bodies only), doing a simultaneous collision handling for that set of bodies. Any bodies connected by joints are also included.

SERIAL (4 flavors)

Operates on one 'focus' collision at a time, applying the impulse and then dealing with any 'ricochet' effects as objects thereby collide into other objects. This happens repeatedly in a tight loop (within the collision handling method) until all ricochets die out and no objects are colliding. The focus collision is chosen randomly each time thru the loop. This tends to produce the most realistic results.

There are four flavors of the SERIAL option, described below.


SERIAL_GROUPED treats joints connected to the focus collision together with the focus collision (essentially a simultaneous collision handling for the group of current collision + connected joints). SERIAL_SEPARATE allows us to see how joints would ricochet back and forth because they are handled separately like any other collision.

The SERIAL_GROUPED option turns out to give the same results as SERIAL_SEPARATE and is much faster. But SERIAL_SEPARATE lets us see that these two are equivalent by trying each option (and especially by turning on the appropriate debug statements inside handleCollisionsSerial).


The SERIAL_SEPARATE_LASTPASS and SERIAL_GROUPED_LASTPASS options turn on the final pass in handleCollisionsSerial which does a single simultaneous collision handling with zero elasticity to all remaining collisions.

The serial collision handling loop in ImpulseSim.handleCollisionsSerial() ends when all the collisions have either been handled (and therefore have large positive velocity) or have velocity is close to zero. The last pass ensures that the collisions with very small negative velocity get a final small impulse so they are left with zero velocity. This helps reduce 'jitter' at places that should have zero velocity like contact points or joints.

WARNING the zero elasticity used during LASTPASS results in a small amount of energy loss.

Enumeration Members

HYBRID: "hybrid"

Combination of simultaneous and serial collision handling; in each step, any collisions that involve the bodies in the focus collision are handled simultaneously.

SERIAL_GROUPED: "serial grouped"

Handle one 'focus' collision at a time, but joints connected to the focus collision are solved simultaneously.

SERIAL_GROUPED_LASTPASS: "serial grouped lastpass"

Handle one 'focus' collision at a time, but joints connected to the focus collision are solved simultaneously; also at the end of the process a final simultaneous collision handling with zero elasticity is done to eliminate velocity at contacts.

SERIAL_SEPARATE: "serial separate"

Handle one 'focus' collision at a time.

SERIAL_SEPARATE_LASTPASS: "serial separate lastpass"

Handle one 'focus' collision at a time; also at the end of the process a final simultaneous collision handling with zero elasticity is done to eliminate velocity at contacts.

SIMULTANEOUS: "simultaneous"

Solve all collisions in a single step, with the goal condition being that the post-collision velocity is equal to elasticity times opposite of pre-collision velocity.

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