A RigidBody made of connected Edges and Vertexes.

See 2D Physics Engine Overview about the rigid body physics engine.

Body Coordinates

For explanation of body vs. world coordinates see Body Coordinates, MassObject and CoordType.

Methods that return a location often have names ending with either 'body' or 'world' to indicate the coordinate system. Similarly, parameters of methods often end with 'body' or 'world'.

Structure of a Polygon

A Polygon consists of a set of connected Edges, which together form one or more paths. A Polygon can have more than one path, for example a donut shape would have 2 paths: one for the outer Edge and one for the inner Edge.

A path in a Polygon consists of a linked list of Edges and Vertexes:

An Edge has a starting and ending Vertex, and a Vertex has a previous and next Edge. So we can follow a path from the starting Vertex until returning again to the starting Vertex when the path is then closed.

The list of paths is simply a list of starting Vertexes. Each path wraps around to its starting Vertex to form a closed loop. A path must have at least one Vertex and one Edge.

A path is used when drawing the Polygon. For collision handling, the collection of Edges and Vertexes are what matters, how they are linked into a path is irrelevant.

The Edges in a Polygon are stored in an array, and Edges can be referred to by their index in this array, see RigidBody.getEdges and Edge.getIndex.

The list of Vertexes may include automatically generated 'mid-point Vertexes' for curved Edges. These Vertexes are added to give better collision detection for curved Edges. See Vertex about end-point vs. mid-point Vertexes.

Creating a Polygon

  • First create a Polygon with the constructor; it has no Vertexes or Edges.

  • Call startPath to begin making a path. You can start with a single Vertex or an Edge.

  • Use addEdge as many times as desired to add Edges. Or use the shortcut methods addStraightEdge, addCircularEdge or addCircularEdge2.

  • (optional) Use closePath if you want to add another path with startPath.

  • Call finish which will close the current path and calculate the centroid for the Polygon.

Note that just creating an Edge can add it to the existing linked list of Vertexes and Edges being formed in the currently open path. The addEdge method completes the process of adding the Edge to the Polygon.

For examples of creating a Polygon see Shapes.

Centroids & Proximity Testing

We need a quick way to know if objects are close enough to warrant the more expensive tests that are done to find collisions and contacts. To this end, we find the smallest circle that encloses the object. The center of this circle is the 'centroid' or geometric center of the object. The radius is the "centroid radius".

There is a similar centroid and centroid radius for each Edge, which gives the smallest circle that encloses that Edge.

Some of the proximity tests can be found in UtilCollision.checkVertexes. Of note is that we expand the centroid radius by the distance that the Vertex has travelled during the current time step. And that we use the distance squared in these tests, to avoid the computational cost of the square root function.

Special Edge for Proximity Testing

Walls are a special case for proximity testing. Because they are typically long and thin, their proximity circle is huge compared to the wall object; and so the proximity test fires many false positives.

To remedy this, we allow specifying a 'special edge' via setSpecialEdge which changes how the proximity testing is done for this object.

When there is a special edge (there can only be one per object), then the proximity test still looks at the distance between the centroid of each object, but now only the portion of that distance that is normal to the special edge. Also, a special centroid radius is defined for the object that is used in this proximity test. For a wall, this special centroid radius is half of the (short) width of the wall object.

Only the special edge is tested for collisions, so care should be taken to avoid objects being able to collide into any of the non-special edge walls.

Old Coords Is Used For Collision Detection

A Polygon keeps a copy of its local coordinate system before the last time step of the differential equation solver. The copy is used for collision detection, to determine how a collision may have happened; for example whether a Vertex crossed over an Edge during the last time step. See saveOldCoords, getOldCoords, and eraseOldCoords.

Minimum Height

The minimum height of a Polygon is used for potential energy calculations, see getMinHeight.

The minimum height can be explicitly set for each Polygon, see setMinHeight. If it is not set, the method getMinHeight will try to determine the minumum height by calculating the smallest distance between the center of mass and the body's Edges.

Some cautions about getMinHeight:

  • The getMinHeight calculation can fail for more complicated shapes or when the center of mass is outside of the body.

  • The getMinHeight calculation will be incorrect for a circle or oval when the center of mass is not on one of the axes of the circle/ellipse.

  • The minimum height is cached, and should be recalculated if the center of mass changes. To do so, call setMinHeight(NaN) and the next time getMinHeight is called it will recalculate.

TO DO Each collision or contact is being calculated twice. Each body is calculating all its collisions/contacts, so redundant combinations are being done. (Though some bodies don't capture all of their possible collisions/contacts: block only looks for corner contacts, not edges.)

TO DO momentAboutCM: unclear whether this is correctly calculated. Moment calculation is wrong when center of mass is offset; there's a formula for that. momentAboutCM is wrong, unless it is a rectangle object.

TO DO in addCollision(): nearness is hard coded at 0.1. Instead, base it on length of the edges.

TO DO minHeight is complicated, because not well defined. For examples: donut; concave oval Edge on rectangle; these are not easy to figure out.

Hierarchy (view full)







accuracy_: number = 0.6

How close in space we need to be to a collision, to decide to handle it, as a percentage of the targetGap = distanceTol/2.

angular_velocity_: number = 0

angular velocity about center of mass

body_old_: null | LocalCoords = null

coordinate system of this body in its last known position prior to the present

body_old_save_: LocalCoords = ...

Keep LocalCoords to avoid allocating a new one, for better performance.

bottom_body_: number = NaN

bottom of bounds in body coordinates

centroidRadius_: number = NaN

cached centroid radius = max distance between center of mass and any point on body

centroid_body_: null | Vector = null

Geometric center of this Polygon, in body coords

cm_body_: Vector = Vector.ORIGIN

center of mass in body coordinates

cosAngle_: number = 1.0

cosine of angle.

distanceTol_: number = 0.01

distance tolerance, for determining if RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

edges_: Edge[] = []

list of Edges in this Polygon

elasticity_: number = 1.0

elasticity of this body, from 0 to 1.

finished_: boolean = false

whether Polygon is finished being constructed

left_body_: number = NaN

left side of bounds in body coordinates

minHeight_: number = NaN

the minimum value the vertical position of this body can take on, used in energy calculations

moment_: number = 0

moment about center of mass divided by mass

nonCollideBodies_: RigidBody[] = []

list of objects this body does not collide with

nonCollideSet_: null | EdgeSet = null

A set of Edges on some other Polygon that this Polygon never collides with.

paths_: Vertex[] = []

list of starting Vertex for each sub-path

right_body_: number = NaN

right side of bounds in body coordinates

sinAngle_: number = 0.0

sine of angle

specialEdge_: null | Edge = null

An Edge that takes priority for collision handling, as in a wall object, when this is not null then special proximity testing is done. Note that the other Edges of this object will have zero centroid radius and therefore will be inactive for collisions; and this allows objects to penetrate into this body thru those inactive Edges.

specialNormalWorld_: null | Vector = null

the special normal Edge (if any) in world coords. This is a cache to avoid costs of doing rotateBodyToWorld and getNormalBody method.

startVertex_: null | Vertex = null

start Vertex of current path; only used during construction

top_body_: number = NaN

top of bounds in body coordinates

varsIndex_: number = -1

the index into the variables array for this Polygon, or -1 if not in vars array

velocityTol_: number = 0.5

velocity tolerance, for determining if RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

vertices_: Vertex[] = []

list of Vertexes in this Polygon

zeroEnergyLevel_: null | number = null

the vertical coordinate where this body has zero potential energy; or null to use the default zero energy level.

ID: number = 1

Counter used for naming SimObjects.

OPEN_PATH_ERROR: "Polygon does not have an open path to add edges to" = 'Polygon does not have an open path to add edges to'

Counter used for naming Polygons.


print Edge & Vertex info for each Polygon when created.

SHOW_ALL_VERTICES: false = false

add small circle at all Vertexes, including mid-point Vertexes

SHOW_VERTICES: false = false

add small circle at end point Vertexes


  • Adds a CircularEdge to the open path of this Polygon, starting at the current last Vertex and ending at the given point, with the given center for the circular arc, and moving clockwise or counter-clockwise from the start Vertex. See lastOpenVertex and startPath.


    • p_body: Vector

      the endpoint of the new Edge, in body coordinates

    • center_body: Vector

      the center point in body coordinates

    • clockwise: boolean

      true moves clockwise, false moves counter-clockwise

    • outsideIsOut: boolean

      true means that any point outside the circle is outside of this body; false means the opposite, that any point inside the circle is outside this body.

    Returns CircularEdge

    the Edge that is created


    if Polygon does not have an open path to add Edges to


    if p_body and last point are not equidistant from center_body within CircularEdge.TINY_POSITIVE tolerance

  • Adds a CircularEdge to the open path of this Polygon, starting at the current last Vertex and ending at the given point, with the given radius for the circular arc, and moving clockwise or counter-clockwise from the start Vertex. See lastOpenVertex and startPath.

    The center point is calculated from the two end-points, the radius, the direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise), and the aboveRight parameter. The center is at the vertex of an isoceles triangle with edges of length radius and base being the line from the last point to p_body.

    There are two choices for where to put the center in relation to the line connecting the two given points: either above or below the line. The aboveRight parameter specifies which choice to make. For a vertical connecting line, the choice is right or left of the line.


    • p_body: Vector

      the endpoint of the new Edge, in body coordinates

    • radius: number

      the radius of the CircularEdge

    • aboveRight: boolean

      if true, then the center of CircularEdge is located above or right of the line connecting vertex1 and vertex2; if false, then center is located below or left of the connecting line.

    • clockwise: boolean

      true moves clockwise, false moves counter-clockwise

    • outsideIsOut: boolean

      true means that any point outside the circle is outside of this body; false means the opposite, that any point inside the circle is outside this body.

    Returns CircularEdge

    the Edge that is created


    if Polygon does not have an open path to add Edges to

  • Adds the Edge to current open path. The start Vertex of the Edge must match the end Vertex of last Edge in open path as given by lastOpenVertex. See startPath.


    • edge: Edge

      the Edge to add to current open path

    Returns void


    if there is no open path, or the start Vertex of the Edge does not match the end Vertex of last Edge in open path.

  • Adds to set of RigidBodys that do not collide with this body. No collisions or contacts are generated between this body and the given bodies. See doesNotCollide.


    • bodies: RigidBody[]

      array of RigidBodys that should not be collided with

    Returns void

  • Adds a StraightEdge to the open path of this Polygon, starting at the current last Vertex and ending at the given point. See lastOpenVertex and startPath.


    • p_body: Vector

      the end point of the new Edge, in body coordinates

    • outsideIsUp: boolean

      true means that any point above this Edge is on the outside of this body (for vertical lines a point to the right is outside); false means the opposite, that any point below (or left) is outside this body.

    Returns StraightEdge

    the Edge that is created


    if Polygon does not have an open path to add Edges to

  • Moves this body so that a certain point on this body is aligned to the given world coordinates location; optionally sets the angle of this body by rotating around the center of mass angle radians counter-clockwise from the body coordinates orientation.


    • p_body: GenericVector

      the point on this body to be aligned to the new p_world location, in body coordinates

    • p_world: GenericVector

      the world coordinates location to move the specified p_body point to

    • Optional opt_angle: number

      the angle in radians to rotate this body counter-clockwise from 'body coordinates' orientation; if not specified then leave the angle as is.

    Returns void


    if this MassObject is immoveable

  • Checks if this RigidBody has a collision or contact with another RigidBody, if so adds a new RigidBodyCollision to the list of collisions.


    • collisions: RigidBodyCollision[]

      the list of collisions to add to

    • body: Polygon

      the RigidBody to check for collisions with

    • time: number

      current simulation time

    Returns void

  • Closes the current path of the Polygon. Connects the starting Vertex of the open path with the last Edge of the open path. See startPath, lastOpenEdge, and getStartVertex.

    Returns boolean

    true if there was an open path that was successfully closed


    if Polygon construction was previously finished


    if start and end Vertex of the path are not at the same location

  • Closes an open path by connecting the Edges whose given Vertexes are at the same location.

    Each Vertex must be connected to only one Edge. The previous Edge for v1 must be null. The next Edge for v2 must be null. Both Vertexes must be at (nearly) the same location in space (the distance between them can be at most 1E-8).

    The situation on entry is:

    prevEdge   vertex   nextEdge
    --------   ------   --------
    null         v1      edgeA
    edgeB        v2      null

    On exit the situation is:

    prevEdge   vertex   nextEdge
    --------   ------   --------
    edgeB        v1      edgeA

    and Vertex v2 is deleted.


    Returns void

  • Creates the JavaScript Canvas path that represents the shape of this object in the given Canvas context using body coordinates. Note that this calls CanvasRenderingContext2D.beginPath() which discards any currently defined path and begins a new one. Also, this concept of 'path' is different from the path of Edges that makes up a Polygon (though the Canvas path is created from those Polygon paths).


    • context: CanvasRenderingContext2D

      the CanvasRenderingContext2D to create the path in

    Returns void

  • Finds the geometric center or 'centroid' of this Polygon, which is the point that minimizes the distance to all Vertexes.

    Returns Vector

    the geometric center of this Polygon, in body coordinates.

  • Finish the construction of the Polygon. Close any open path; calculate the bounding box, centroid, centroid radius; set to default values the center of mass, moment, and drag point.

    Returns void

  • Returns the collision distance accuracy, a fraction between zero and one; when the collision distance is within accuracy * targetGap of the target gap distance, then the collision is considered close enough to handle (apply an impulse).

    Returns number

    the collision accuracy, a fraction between 0 (exclusive) and 1 (inclusive)

  • Returns the counter-clockwise angle of rotation of this body about its center of mass, in radians, relative to 'body coordinates' orientation.

    Returns number

    the counter-clockwise angle of rotation of this body about its center of mass, in radians, relative to 'body coordinates' orientation

  • Returns vertical coordinate of bottom-most point of this body, based on its current position and orientation, in world coordinates. This is approximate when the body has curved edges; because this looks at all the Vertex's of the body, and curved edges have a series of 'decorated' Vertexes on them which don't capture the exact nature of the geometric curve.

    Returns number

    vertical coordinate of bottom-most point of this body, in world coordinates

  • Returns distance tolerance used to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody.

    Returns number

    distance tolerance used to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

  • Returns the elasticity used when calculating collisions; a value of 1.0 means perfect elasticity where the kinetic energy after collision is the same as before (extremely bouncy), while a value of 0 means no elasticity (no bounce). A collision uses the lesser elasticity value of the two bodies involved.

    Returns number

    elasticity used when calculating collisions, a number from 0 to 1.

  • Returns vertical coordinate of left-most point of this body, based on its current position and orientation, in world coordinates. This is approximate when the body has curved edges; because this looks at all the Vertex's of the body, and curved edges have a series of 'decorated' Vertexes on them which don't capture the exact nature of the geometric curve.

    Returns number

    vertical coordinate of left-most point of this body, in world coordinates

  • Returns the minimum height that this body's center of gravity can reach, used for potential energy calculations. Put another way: this is how low the center of gravity of this body can be when resting on the ground, and the ground is at height zero.

    Returns number

    the minimum height this body can reach.

  • Finds minimum height by looking at center of mass compared to bounding box.

    Returns number

    minimum height that this object can be at

  • Name of this SimObject, either the language-independent name for scripting purposes or the localized name for display to user.

    The language-independent name should be the same as the English version but capitalized and with spaces and dashes replaced by underscore, see Util.toName, nameEquals.

    The name should give an idea of the role of the SimObject in the simulation. This allows us to to treat an object in a special way depending on its name. For example, we might use the name to decide what type of DisplayObject to create to represent the SimObject.


    • Optional opt_localized: boolean

      true means return the localized version of the name; default is false which means return the language independent name.

    Returns string

    name of this SimObject

  • Returns vertical coordinate of right-most point of this body, based on its current position and orientation, in world coordinates. This is approximate when the body has curved edges; because this looks at all the Vertex's of the body, and curved edges have a series of 'decorated' Vertexes on them which don't capture the exact nature of the geometric curve.

    Returns number

    vertical coordinate of right-most point of this body, in world coordinates

  • The normal vector (if any) used in the special edge proximity test. When a special edge has been specified, that Edge that takes priority for collision handling, as in a wall object, and this method returns the normal vector to use for special proximity testing. Otherwise this returns null and regular proximity testing is done. A normal is a unit-length Vector that is perpendicular to an Edge. This maintains a cache to avoid computational costs. See Special Edge for Proximity Testing

    Returns null | Vector

    normal vector for special edge, in world coordinates, or null when there is no special edge

  • Returns starting Vertex for current open path, or null if there is no open path. See startPath.

    Returns null | Vertex

    starting Vertex for the current open path, or null if there is no open path.

  • Returns vertical coordinate of top-most point of this body, based on its current position and orientation, in world coordinates. This is approximate when the body has curved edges; because this looks at all the Vertex's of the body, and curved edges have a series of 'decorated' Vertexes on them which don't capture the exact nature of the geometric curve.

    Returns number

    vertical coordinate of top-most point of this body, in world coordinates

  • Returns the name of the specified variable. For more understandable code, you can use the enum RB instead of these index numbers.


    • index: number

      which variable name is desired: 0 = x-position, 1 = x-velocity, 2 = y-position, 3 = y-velocity, 4 = angle, 5 = angular velocity

    • localized: boolean

      whether to return localized variable name

    Returns string

    the name of the specified variable for this particular body

  • Returns the index into the VarsList for this RigidBody's first variable (the x-position). The VarsList contains 6 variables for each RigidBody,

    0. x-position,
    1. x-velocity,
    2. y-position,
    3. y-velocity,
    4. angle,
    5. angular velocity

    For more understandable code, you can use the enum RB instead of these index numbers.

    Returns number

    the index of the x-position in the VarsList for this body; or -1 if this body is not in the VarsList.

  • Returns velocity tolerance used to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody.

    Velocity tolerance is set on each RigidBody, but we expect it to be the same for all RigidBodys. ImpulseSim 'owns' the velocity tolerance, it is merely passed along to the RigidBody because it is needed during collision finding and RigidBody has no way of finding ImpulseSim.

    Note however that because Scrim is immutable, it always returns zero for velocity tolerance. In this case, use the velocity tolerance of the other non-Scrim RigidBody involved in the collision.

    Returns number

    velocity tolerance used to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

  • Returns the vertical coordinate where the body has zero potential gravitational energy under standard constant gravity when the body's center of mass is at this vertical coordinate.

    Returns null | number

    the vertical world coordinate where this body has zero potential energy; or null to use the default zero energy level

  • Returns last Edge in current open path or null when there is no last Edge or no open path.

    Returns null | Edge

    last Edge in current open path or null when there is no last Edge or no open path.

  • Returns last Vertex in current open path. This is the ending Vertex of the last Edge in the linked list of Edges that makes up the open path. If there is no Edge in the path then this is the starting Vertex, see startPath and getStartVertex.

    Returns Vertex

    last Vertex in current open path


    if there is no open path

  • Returns the square of the maximum distance from the given point in body coords to any Vertex of this Polygon.


    • p_body: Vector

      the point in body coords

    Returns number

    the square of the maximum distance from the given point in body coords to any Vertex of this Polygon

  • Returns the linear and angular momentum of this body. Angular momentum about a fixed point in space is defined as

    I_cm vw k + r x m v_cm


    I_cm = moment about center of mass
    vw = angular velocity
    k = unit z vector,
    r = vector from a fixed point to the center of mass (cm)
    m = mass
    v_cm = velocity of center of mass

    cross product in the plane is (ax,ay,0) x (bx,by,0) = k(ax by - ay bx) so we get

    I_cm w + m (rx vy - ry vx)

    take the fixed point to be the origin (0,0), so (rx,ry) is center of mass.

    Returns number[]

    the momentum of this body as array containing horizontal, vertical and angular momentum in that order.

  • Whether this RigidBody cannot collide with an Edge or Vertex of another RigidBody. Returns true when passing null for the Edge.


    • edge: null | Edge

      an Edge of another body, or null

    Returns boolean

    true if this body cannot collide with the given Edge; returns true if edge is null.

  • Returns true if the given body coords point is probably inside this polygon.

    WARNING* For debugging only. Does not work for complex (non-convex) shapes.


    • p_body: Vector

      the point in body coords

    Returns boolean

    true if the given body coords point is probably inside this polygon

  • Makes an internal copy of the geometry of this RigidBody, which is used for future collision checking. This copy is a record of the last location of this object, so that collision checking can determine how the object moved over the last time step. For example, a small object moving at high velocity can pass through a narrow object in a single time step; there is then no interpenetration of the two objects, but if you use the previous position of the small fast object you can see that it has passed through the narrow object. See getOldCoords, eraseOldCoords.

    Returns void

  • Sets the collision distance accuracy, a fraction between zero and one; when the collision distance is within accuracy * targetGap of the target gap distance, then the collision is considered close enough to handle (apply an impulse).


    • accuracy: number

      how close in distance to be in order to handle a collision

    Returns void


    if value is out of the range 0 to 1, or is exactly zero

  • Sets the angle in radians of counter-clockwise rotation of this object around its center of mass. Angle zero draws the object in the same orientation as in body coordinates. Angle Math.PI/2 rotates the body clockwise 90 degrees from its body coordinates orientation.


    • angle: number

      the angle in radians to rotate this object counter-clockwise about its center of mass from 'body coordinates' orientation

    Returns void

  • Sets the center of the circle to use for proximity testing and also calculates the radius of the circle. A circle centered at this centroid with radius getCentroidRadius() should encompass this Polygon.


    • centroid_body: Vector

      the center of the circle to use for proximity testing in world coords, in body coordinates

    Returns Polygon

    this Polygon, for chaining setters


    when setCentroid is called while the Polygon is 'open' in process of adding edges, before the Polygon is closed with finish() method

  • Sets distance tolerance to use to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody.


    • value: number

      distance tolerance to use to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

    Returns void

  • Sets the elasticity used when calculating collisions; a value of 1.0 means perfect elasticity where the kinetic energy after collision is the same as before (extremely bouncy), while a value of 0 means no elasticity (no bounce). A collision uses the lesser elasticity value of the two bodies involved.


    • value: number

      elasticity used when calculating collisions, a number from 0 to 1.

    Returns void

  • Sets the moment of inertia about the center of mass for this body divided by the mass of this body. The moment of inertia, Icm, measures how much force is needed to rotate the body about the center of mass. Icm depends on the shape of the object and how mass is distributed. For a thin rectangular plate:

    Icm = mass * (width^2 + height^2) / 12

    For a thin circular plate:

    Icm = mass * radius^2 / 2

    Note that momentAboutCM returns the number specified here multiplied by the mass of the body.


    • moment: number

      the moment of inertia about the center of mass for this body divided by the mass of this body

    Returns void

  • Specifies that this Polygon does not collide with the given set of Edges of other Polygons; replaces any existing non-collide EdgeSet. No collisions or contacts are generated between this Polygon and the Edges in the given EdgeSet. Use this when some parts of a Polygon DO interact. If NO parts interact then see RigidBody.addNonCollide.


    • nonCollideSet: EdgeSet

      the set of other body edges to not collide with

    Returns void

  • Moves this body so that the center of mass is at the given world coordinates location; rotates this body counter-clockwise about center of mass from 'body coordinates' orientation by the given angle in radians.


    • loc_world: GenericVector

      the location in world coordinates

    • Optional angle: number

      the angle in radians to rotate this body counter-clockwise from 'body coordinates' orientation; if undefined then angle is not changed

    Returns void

  • Sets which Edge takes priority for collision handling, as in a wall object. Can only be called on a rectangular Polygon. Sets the centroid radius of the non-special edges on this Polygon to zero, which makes all those non-special edges inoperative for collision detection purposes. See Special Edge for Proximity Testing. See getSpecialNormalWorld.


    • edgeIndex: number

      the index of the Edge that takes priority for collision handling, within the Polygon's list of edges

    • radius: number

      the radius of the circle to use for proximity testing.

    Returns void


    if this is not a rectangular Polygon, or the edgeIndex is not in range

  • Sets the index into the VarsList for this RigidBody's first variable (the x-position). The VarsList contains 6 variables for each RigidBody,

    0. x-position,
    1. x-velocity,
    2. y-position,
    3. y-velocity,
    4. angle,
    5. angular velocity

    For more understandable code, you can use the enum RB instead of these index numbers.


    • index: number

      the index of the x-position in the VarsList for this RigidBody; or -1 if this RigidBody is not in the VarsList.

    Returns void

  • Set the linear velocity of this objects's center of mass, and (optional) angular velocity of rotation about the objects's center of mass.


    • velocity_world: GenericVector

      the velocity in world coordinates/second

    • Optional angular_velocity: number

      the angular velocity, in radians/second, with positive meaning counter-clockwise rotation about the body's center of mass; if undefined, then angular velocity is not changed

    Returns void

  • Sets velocity tolerance to use to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody


    • value: number

      velocity tolerance to use to determine if this RigidBody is in contact with another RigidBody

    Returns void

  • Sets the vertical coordinate where the body has zero potential gravitational energy under standard constant gravity when the body's center of mass is at this vertical coordinate.


    • Optional height: number

      the vertical world coordinate where this body has zero potential energy; NaN means to use default level; undefined means use the body's current vertical location is used

    Returns void

  • Returns true if the given SimObject is similar to this SimObject for display purposes. SimObjects are similar when they are the same type and nearly the same size and location. Mainly used when showing forces - to avoid adding too many objects to the display. See SimList.getSimilar.


    • obj: SimObject

      the SimObject to compare to

    • Optional _opt_tolerance: number

      the amount the object components can differ by

    Returns boolean

    true if this SimObject is similar to obj for display purposes

  • Start creating a path in this Polygon at the given Vertex or Edge.


    • vertexOrEdge: Edge | Vertex

      the Vertex or Edge to start the path at

    Returns void

  • Returns a minimal string representation of this object, usually giving just identity information like the class name and name of the object.

    For an object whose main purpose is to represent another Printable object, it is recommended to include the result of calling toStringShort on that other object. For example, calling toStringShort() on a DisplayShape might return something like this:


    Returns string

    a minimal string representation of this object.

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