Miscellaneous tests of engine2D physics engine.


  • Shows an error discovered by ERN on Sept 15, 2015.

    TO DO* This error state should be fixed or prevented from happening.

    Returns void

  • Test the feature whereby a body can selectively not collide with certain edges of another body; here a ball and an pendulum are bouncing on the floor under gravity; the ball collides with the pendulum bob, but not with the pendulum rod; however, the pendulum rod does collide with the floor. *

    Returns void

  • Tests a RigidBody connected to a 'roller coaster' circle shaped NumericalPath with a PathJoint; also there is a PathEndPoint that limits travel of the RigidBody.

    Returns void

  • Tests a RigidBody connected to a 'roller coaster' hump shaped NumericalPath with a PathJoint.

    Returns void

  • Sets up error condition found on Sept 15, 2015. Results in simulation getting 'stuck', because ComputeForces is unable to find reasonable set of forces. The problem is the rectangle gets jammed between two fixed objects, and the distance between them is very tight. *


    Returns void

  • Sets up same error condition found on Sept 15, 2015, but at an earlier time. This results in success the first time it is run, but clicking the 'rewind' button results in 'stuck' error. The difference is due to random number generator being different. The first time thru the rectangle doesn't quite get its corner around the vertex of the fixed block, so it never gets wedged. *


    Returns void

  • For three-body-spin setup, confirm that energy is conserved and joints stay tight.

    Returns void

  • For three-body-spin setup, confirm that with smaller time step, energy is conserved and joints stay tight, with much smaller tolerance. Here we use time step of 0.0025 and tolerance of 0.0001 for energy compared to 0.025 and 0.01.

    Returns void

  • Uses experimental AdaptiveStepSolver on three-body-spin setup, confirming that energy is conserved and joints stay tight, although a rather large time step is specified.

    Returns void

  • Same test as three_body_spin_test3, but shows that setting AdaptiveStepSolver to use second differences results in greater accuracy (at expense of taking more steps). The tolerance on energy difference is much tighter here.

    Returns void

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