Tests high speed collisions. Some are between small object and thin walls. Some are between two small objects.


  • Small high speed ball collides into very thin walls.

    Returns void

  • Same as ball_vs_wall_0 but with ContactSim instead of ImpulseSim.

    Returns void

  • High speed collision of two small objects.

    Returns void

  • High speed collision of two small objects, the goal is to have the fast object pass entirely thru the small object in a time step, so that just checking if the objects are penetrating will not detect the collision. Note that if using Runge-Kutta solver that the state is evaluated at mid-time step also. Therefore, use modified Euler here instead.

    To check that this test is working: in Polygon.checkVertexes set travelDist = 0 (the distance travelled by the vertex), and in ImpulseSim set PROXIMITY_TEST = false. Note that if trying this interactively, be sure to use the same large time step used here

    Returns void

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